The Center for Family Support operates residences and day programs throughout New York City’s five boroughs, Westchester County, and Long Island. We help participants lead productive lives by providing customized programs and services that empower them to grow, learn and thrive in the community.
Learn more about our services
Contact Us for Support
If you have questions and/or are looking for support, please contact us using the inquiry form. To apply to a specific program or residence, please use the referral form.
We support 169 people throughout New York City’s five boroughs and Westchester County in various settings. Depending on wants and needs, individuals might live on their own with staff coming in a few hours a day (supportive housing); live independently with help getting set up and managing household bills (individual support services); or they might need 24-hour support, where they live in small homes with others or in their own apartment (supervised IRAs). We work with all residents to improve independence and to engage them in their communities. Depending on their interests and desired outcomes, individuals have customized support programs to help them achieve their goals, ranging from attending art classes to holding a job. Programs are designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence, enhance self-esteem, and encourage participation within the community.

Community Programs
Our community programs offer a diverse range of in-home and community-based services to people living in New York City’s five boroughs and Nassau County. We collaborate with participants, personalizing our programs to suit individual needs, preferences and objectives. We continually monitor our progress and adjust individual services and care plans as necessary to accommodate change and growth.
Below are some of the programs we currently offer, and contact information for staff. We will work with you to determine which programs are right for your loved one after learning more about their goals.
Community Habilitation
Community Habilitation provides one-to-one training to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities to develop or enhance the skills needed to live more independently in their homes or in the community.
Contact : Danielle Powers,
In Home Respite/Home Care
In Home Respite/Home care provides one-to-one support to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities at their homes as a relief to their primary caregiver.
Contact: Yiranny Almonte,
Day Habilitation Without Walls
Day Habilitation helps adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities to acquire, retain or improve their self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills including communication, travel and other areas in adult education. CFS provides one-to-one support.
Contact: Danielle Powers,
Supported Employment
Supported Employment can provide individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities the support they need to maintain a paid competitive job in the community. Typically, a person would transition to Supported Employment after having received employment education services (ACCES-VR) and having successfully obtained employment.
Contact: Danielle Powers,
Family Support Services
(Family Reimbursement, In Home & Parent Training & Non-Medicaid Case Management)
We support individuals who live at home with their family members or other unpaid caregivers. We can assist individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities with the OPWDD eligibility process. Our In Home and Parent Training Program provides staff to support individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities with skill development. Our Family Reimbursement program provides reimbursement to primary caregivers for goods and/or services not covered by any other source.
Contact: Yiranny Almonte,
Fiscal Intermediary
We are committed to helping people with intellectual/developmental disabilities have as much control as possible over how they receive their supports and services. Self-directed services offer the greatest amount of control in how, where, and by whom services are provided. A broad range of options are available through self-direction.
Contact: Jennifer Solis,
Self Directed Services
The Center for Family Support is a leader in self-directed supports, where individuals and their families create their own budgets and even hire their own staff. CFS Self Directed Supports, Inc. (CFS SDS) is our subsidiary organization which is solely focused on Self Direction as a Fiscal Intermediary. We provide unparalleled help to families so they can focus on creating the best possible environment for their loved ones. This support model is one of the fastest growing in New York because it provides maximum flexibility and individuality to help individuals and families enjoy great outcomes.

Contact Us for Support
If you have questions and/or are looking for support, please contact us using the inquiry form. To apply to a specific program or residence, please use the referral form.