Mark grew up having many restrictions placed on his abilities to independently participate within his community. As a result, Mark feels his social and communications skills were affected.
Since April 2016, Mark has received community-based Behavioral supports through CFS. These supports have allowed Mark to freely express himself when taking part in the community. Some of the places he has chosen to visit with his Behavior Intervention Specialist are; Bronx mall, yogurt stores, movies, and Highland Park.
During every event, he was able to engage in mindful walking (walk, talk and be observant of surroundings for about an hour). By using this innovative service approach, Mark has had more success rather than receiving supports in a traditional office setting. Next up, Mark plans to go to the empire state building or aquarium with BIS.
With an increase of community participation, Mark’s self-esteem has flourished, he is still shy and timid but not as much as before. He speaks up for himself more and even expresses his true feelings. He also initiates more conversations with others.
Mark currently loves to walk, ride his bike, and overall just be outside. Mark has been very open in the joys of being more independent. Being outside allows him to feel free and it gives him a sense of empowerment.
Written by: Rebekah Charles, Behavior Intervention Specialist