The Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) is working with Guidehouse, a consulting firm with experience in national and state healthcare, developmental disabilities, and Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), to look at OPWDD’s Self-Direction policies and processes, and provide recommendations to deliver a better Self-Direction service model.
As part of the study, Guidehouse and OPWDD will talk to self-advocates, family advocates, Fiscal Intermediaries, Support Brokers, Care Coordination Organizations, underrepresented groups, and other community partners about the Self-Direction model. We look forward to receiving feedback directly from people with lived experience as well as their families.
To take part in Town Halls and Focus Groups for People with Lived Experience and their Families, please use the links below to register. Please note that for added security, no one will be able to share their personalized registration link. If multiple people in a household would like to attend, each must register and attend separately to share their feedback.
Registration Link: https://guidehouse.zoom.us/meeting/register/lFY54uIBSsK0H61GXhI0gQ