FREE COVID-19 tests are confidential and safe.
Go to NYC.Gov/COVIDTest or text “COVID TEST” to 855-48 to find a testing site near you.
Getting tested is safe and by getting tested, you are helping to keep your loved ones
safe! Get tested even if you do not have symptoms or are unsure if you were exposed to
COVID-19. And if you HAVE been exposed (maybe you’ve been in a large crowd), have
symptoms or are planning to visit a loved one who is at risk, you should get a COVID-19 swab
test. Most results are returned in about 48 hours.
New Yorkers who test positive for COVID-19 will receive a call from the Test & Trace Corps to
make sure that they receive care, and can safely separate to prevent the spread. Be sure to
answer any calls from NYC Test+Trace or (212) numbers to get free resources and
Learn more about how New York City is here to help you with FREE resources at
Thank you,